Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Reflections of the Mind and Not the Heart

I wrote this my senior year of highschool. I recently stumbled across it while cleaning my room. I feel like I'm back at that intellectual essence of writing style I used to do. Now I guess I'm more polished. WHat do you guys think?

Reflections of the Mind and Not the Heart

It's kind of hard to know when to give it up. We clutch on to that last sliver of hope. It's this hope that keeps us on our onward pursuit for making the right or wrong decisions. The only problem is you never really know until it actually takes place. This journey, or now perhaps struggle, can drive a man beyond the edge of reason. It could make you do stupid and crazy things. Yet you see that as a way of giving back, and don't even think rationally despite what others tell you. We risk life and limb selfishly and don't care.
What makes us do this? Is there an actual answer to this, or is it just something instilled in us before birth? Maybe it's just part of the complex infrastructure of the human mind. Maybe it's the fact that deep down inside of us we see the true nature of people living in a world full of problems. Quite possibly it becomes our way of escaping this life for a better more fulfilling one.
But, on the flipside I could be wrong. It could be with you for a long time and then suddenly leave you alone. It could leave you so alone that you may do juvenial and insane things. You suddenly become irrational and contemplate things you would have never imagined before. So what else is there really to say? What am I even talking about? I'll tell you if you haven't figured it out yet. It's those four powerful letters. Letters that could change a world and and a life. It could only be you "Love". Which example of it are you?

Thursday, December 10, 2009

What I'm Here To Do

This Font seemed cool enough for me to lay out the schematics for my blog...
Basically I want to blog to get me in the habit of writing a lot, often, and anything else you can think of to express "doing more". My hopes is along the way people can read my blogs and share some insight or something cool, or maybe just give me some positive feedback to encourage me. I'm calling it "A Mixed Bag of Insight" because I hope to talk about anything.
I will list some things:
1. Random Music reviews or Plugs for bands or artist.
2. The occasional sports rant leading to irrelevance.
3. The sharing of a good book or reading.
4. A poem or song.
5. Something on my mind.
6. Or perhaps when lucky, something inspirational.

Anyway, I guess that takes care of the basics. I hope to share and blog along with everyone who read this.

- Justin

Let's Start Off With A Poem Shall We

"11:16 PM"
You are what's wrong with me, or at least the half of it
I can't shell these emotions, I'm real not plastic
I'm sick of falling for the wrong types of girls
I could sell you my soul, but you'd still want the world
Why is it never good enough that I give you all that I can
I'd give you my heart even if I wasn't strong enough to stand
If I could empty my head and spill out my thoughts
You would see the on going battles most lost but I fought
Because that's all I can do is keep trying to persevere
No more two steps forward, one step back I got to face my fear
Because loneliness hurts, it attacks the bones
Like alcohol does your wallet, you drink yourself alone
But what do I know I'm just 19 years old
I know that you love once, and then you're left in the cold
I've treaded this water so many times before
Stop playing me like kids in a revolving door
When I say it, I mean it
WHen I show you I felt it
Because emotion is something that can't be controlled
Like an ocean of waves that cover our world
I wish that one would just stop and take me away
To a sky full of angels and there I will lay
In sweet rest of the clouds away from the crowds
Of people so loud, a place to be found
I place to be me, I place I can see
A place where I'm free, a place I can breathe
So here at 11:16
Writing a poem so interesting
On paper with a pen filled with light blue ink
Where do I go now, I'll dream, I'll think
Can I ever come back?
I don't know we'll see

- Justin Sarachik