Thursday, December 10, 2009

Let's Start Off With A Poem Shall We

"11:16 PM"
You are what's wrong with me, or at least the half of it
I can't shell these emotions, I'm real not plastic
I'm sick of falling for the wrong types of girls
I could sell you my soul, but you'd still want the world
Why is it never good enough that I give you all that I can
I'd give you my heart even if I wasn't strong enough to stand
If I could empty my head and spill out my thoughts
You would see the on going battles most lost but I fought
Because that's all I can do is keep trying to persevere
No more two steps forward, one step back I got to face my fear
Because loneliness hurts, it attacks the bones
Like alcohol does your wallet, you drink yourself alone
But what do I know I'm just 19 years old
I know that you love once, and then you're left in the cold
I've treaded this water so many times before
Stop playing me like kids in a revolving door
When I say it, I mean it
WHen I show you I felt it
Because emotion is something that can't be controlled
Like an ocean of waves that cover our world
I wish that one would just stop and take me away
To a sky full of angels and there I will lay
In sweet rest of the clouds away from the crowds
Of people so loud, a place to be found
I place to be me, I place I can see
A place where I'm free, a place I can breathe
So here at 11:16
Writing a poem so interesting
On paper with a pen filled with light blue ink
Where do I go now, I'll dream, I'll think
Can I ever come back?
I don't know we'll see

- Justin Sarachik

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